the third phase

The third phase, show jumping, tests horses and riders precision over a series of colorful fences made of lightweight rails which are easily knocked down. This final phase tests the stamina and recovery of the horse after the very tiring cross-country phase.

Consisting of 12 to 15 jumps in an enclosed arena, show jumping requires exact riding as the slightest bump could cause a rail to fall, resulting in four penalty points.  


Like the cross-country phase, scoring is objectively based on a horse's ability to clear each fence on course, though unlike cross-country, the lightweight show jumps fall easily. Knocking a rail or having a refusal or a run-out results in four penalty points. The show jumping round also has a time limit, and every second above that time accumulates more points.

Riders carry their penalty points earned in the dressage phase as well as any time or jump penalties accrued on the cross-country course into the final phase. This show jumping finale can be a very exciting and heartbreaking experience for spectators as one single rail down could change the final standings dramatically. The horse and rider combination with the lowest score at the end of the competition will take home the blue ribbon.